13:00 to 17:00
Messezentrum Salzburg

EDIH & DIH Network Meeting

Innovation Ecosystems:
Shaping digital transformation together

Wednesday, 5. March 2025, 13:00-17:00
As part of the salz21 – Technology and Innovation Forum Salzburg, Salzburg Exhibition Center, Hall 1
Participation is free.
When you register for the event, you will receive a free entry ticket for salz21 on March 5th (registration deadline is February 26th, 2025)

Event powered by BMAW and FFG.

Digitalization as an Innovation Driver

Digitalization is currently one of the biggest drivers of innovation. Rapid advances in processor performance, storage capacity, data transmission and data acquisition are constantly opening up new application possibilities. Technologies that seemed unrealistic just a few years ago are now feasible. It is important to take advantage of these opportunities and remain internationally competitive.
Digitalization permeates all sectors and industries: from industry and agriculture (smart farming) to tourism and public administration to trade and commerce, it enables efficiency and productivity increases.
For over three years, the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs), supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the EU, have been driving digital transformation forward. In Austria, numerous projects have been implemented across sectors. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a key role in enabling many of these innovations.

Main Stage
13:00 –

Keynote: AI: Beyond the Hype
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Bernhard Moser | SCCH/JKU, President of ASAI

Panel: How do Austrian companies benefit from digitalization?
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Bernhard Moser | SCCH/JKU, President of the ASAI
Martina Eckerstorfer | DIH Süd
Dipl.-Ing. Franz Sümecz | TU Wien, EDIH AI5production
Mag. Florian Frauscher, MLS | Federal Ministry of Labor and Economics

Moderation: Helga Pattart-Drexler, MA | THI TECHHOUSE, EDIH Innovate
Conference room 15/16
14:00 –
AI as an innovation driver – the EDIHs/DIHs support you in the implementation

Find out from the success stories presented how the seven Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) can support you in your innovation and digitalization projects and in the application of artificial intelligence. In the World Café that follows, you will learn more about the services and benefits of the HUBs for the various industries.

Welcome and introduction
Mag. Florian Frauscher, MLS | Federal Ministry of Labor and Economics

Pitches of the Austrian DIHs and EDIHs:

AI in the real laboratory: Transformative approaches for the circular economy and energy optimization
The Digital Innovation Hub East (DIHOST) demonstrates practical applications of artificial intelligence to optimize resource and energy efficiency. Using concrete examples from smart waste management and building technology, innovative approaches are presented that already offer SMEs sustainable and economic advantages.
Speakers: FH-Prof. DI Dr.techn. Franz Fidler, FH St. Pölten & consortium management DIHOST; DI(FH) DI Johannes Schnitzer, Research Burgenland & node partner DIHOST

AI for the construction industry
Increased material and personnel costs as well as the decline in demand due to inflation and the sharp rise in interest rates have led to high pressure in the construction industry. This is precisely where digitalization or AI offers an opportunity. From AI-supported software in planning or for documenting construction progress, AI models for calculating the optimal material requirements to building information modeling, AI offers new ways to make processes more efficient and thus save costs.
Speaker: Dr. Andreas Kercek, Lakeside Labs

AI in retail: “How can we use technology to transform customer experiences and optimize processes?”
Find out how digital transformation is changing retail and what potential artificial intelligence offers for companies. The presentation highlights concrete use cases of how AI can optimize processes, create personalized customer experiences and make the supply chain more efficient.
Speaker: DI (FH) DI Simon Kranzer, FH Salzburg

EDIH AI5production:
The path to digital transformation in production and the role of AI
Presentation of the study results with a special focus on AI applications in production. Presentation of two case studies on the topic of AI-based data analysis and image-based AI in production.
Speaker: Dipl.-Ing. Franz Sümecz, TU Wien

EDIH Applied CPS:

Gamechanger AI in mobility
Artificial intelligence is driving mobility forward by optimizing autonomous driving, data analysis and pattern recognition. Software-defined vehicles enable future-proof traffic concepts, while AI-supported traffic monitoring ensures efficient traffic flow control. These technologies pave the way for intelligent and connected mobility.
Speaker: Kevin Lukas Kulle, BSc., Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH

EDIH Crowd in Motion:
Think analog, act digital: How organizations strategically develop and successfully use AI
Many companies recognize the potential of AI, but have difficulty developing concrete solutions from ideas – often due to unstructured data. We show you how targeted process support, innovation methods and practical tools help to integrate AI strategically and sustainably, with people at the center of development.
Speaker: Eva Flasch, BA MA, Salzburg Research

EDIH Innovate:
AI in agriculture, forestry and wood industry: tradition meets innovation
How can artificial intelligence transform traditional processes in agriculture and forestry and thus increase sustainability? Presentation of practical examples.
Speaker: Anita Deller, MSc, THI TECHHOUSE GmbH

Moderation: Dr. Reinhard Willfort | isn – innovation service network GmbH, EDIH Crowd in Motion
15:30 –
Coffee break
Conference room 15/16
15:45 –
World Café: Your needs – our offers
In the World Café we offer space for exchange and discussion on the topics presented.
from 17:00Networking
Afterwards, we invite you to the DIHs and EDIHs exhibition stand and to network during the WISS Night from 6:00 p.m.


Anmeldung EDIH-DIH Netzwerktreffen 2025

Datenschutzhinweis: Nach Absenden der Registrierung erfolgt eine Verarbeitung der oben angeführten Daten durch den datenschutzrechtlich Verantwortlichen, die Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, Jakob-Haringer-Str. 5/3, 5020 Salzburg, info@salzburgresearch.at, zum Zweck der Organisation und Information zur Veranstaltung auf Grundlage Ihrer durch das Absenden des Formulars erteilten Einwilligung. Es erfolgt eine Weiterverarbeitung der Daten zum Zweck der Information über Folgeveranstaltungen, welche mit dem ursprünglichen Verarbeitungszweck vereinbar ist, auf derselben Rechtsgrundlage bis auf Widerspruch. Es besteht keine gesetzliche oder vertragliche Verpflichtung zur Bereitstellung der personenbezogenen Daten. Die Nichtbereitstellung hat lediglich zur Folge, dass keine Registrierung möglich ist. Eine Weitergabe der TeilnehmerInnenliste (Name, Vorname, Institution, Position) erfolgt nur innerhalb des Veranstaltungsorganisationsteams.

Der Rechtsweg sowie eine Barablöse der Tickets sind ausgeschlossen.
