CiMo Partner: Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Every day, tons of food have to be thrown away in tourist regions. Mountains of laundry washed or sorted every day.
The Pongau Regional Association and the Leader Region Lebens.Wert.Pongau believe that this must change and that digital technologies can help stop the waste of resources or enable better reuse.
The challenge is addressed with the EDIH-CIMO service “Idea Crowdsourcing”. Together, the campaign “Mission Green: Your visions for the smart (re)use of resources in tourism” was launched and is running until August 8th. 2024.
The best ideas selected by a jury (community and expert voting) will then be developed in an innovation workshop and implemented in the region.
Result, Impact
The successful establishment of the ideas campaign on a digital platform and the use of crowdsourcing technology have already led to an increase in digital skills. The interactions and discussions are completely digital.
By using crowd technology and involving different stakeholders, not only is the level of innovation increased, but also awareness of the issue – namely that digital technologies can help with resource (re)use – is raised.